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Though coaching is an essential component for athletes’ success, so is having a solid team culture. Whether it’s a soccer team or just a team made up of a coach and an athlete, it is important to be knowledgeable and consistent with what a team culture involves: 



Honesty, loyalty, commitment, reliability, and positivity are some of the most important core values that influence the overall culture. A team must have a code of conduct to ensure everyone is on the same page.



The beliefs of the team are statements about what we believe to be true. The teams’ philosophy is made up of set beliefs and everyone subscribing to them creates a positive environment.



Team culture is influenced by everyone pushing toward a common goal and ensuring that our personal goals are not pursued at the expense of the team.



How we think, feel, and behave can influence culture. A positive and optimistic attitude is of great benefit in a sporting environment.



The power of influence is very real in a team setting and a leader who is a servant to the team will help guide everyone to adopt values, beliefs, goals, and attitudes to create a positive environment/culture.

A sports coach will make athletes deepen their self-knowledge, seeking to promote personal development. The coach is of great help, but so are the ties between the team. These links will contribute to increased motivation through feedback from members. This way, the entire team will be motivated to achieve their goals and objectives.